Turf Separation System

When I first started working with Mark Mitchell, I learned something very interesting. Artificial Turf used in football stadiums is not just artificial grass. It also includes sand and rubber to make the playing surface softer when hitting the deck hard. The life span of a field is also between 10 and 15 years, at which point it requires replacement.
More Parts? No Problem.
Working with Mark, and using IronCAD, a new system was designed whereby the sand and rubber could be dumped into a hopper, and through a system of vibrating conveyors, would separate the components back to their individual items. At close to 10,000 parts and assemblies, the finished system went together beautifully and worked 100% as expected.

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Conveyors and Platforms
Some of the most common products we assist with are platforms, conveyors and tanks.

Banked Running Tracks
The tracks consist of over 60,000 parts each, all strutural steel, and hydraulically controlled to facilitate an incline in the turns.